Established 1991. LLSA, AC registered.




Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils - aromatic plant extracts, mainly produced by distillation. Conditions it can help include stress-related disorders, arthritis and rheumatism, muscular aches, eczema, cystitis, thrush, poor circulation, skin complaints, and menstrual, digestive and respiratory problems. 

If you visit an aromatherapist, oils are usually applied with massage, diluted in a vegetable oil carrier. You can also use them at home in baths, skin creams, inhalations, oil burners or other vapourisers. Which method is used depends on the condition being treated. The oils enter the bloodstream via the skin, and/or lungs by inhalation. 

A list of recommended aromatherapy books is at BOOKLIST.

More general info is at USES & PROFILES and EVAPORATION RATES.

Other aromatherapy and general health websites are at LINKS 2.

Qualified therapists look at the possible causes of any condition, as well as treating the symptoms. This may include advising about relaxation, diet, exercise, posture, environmental factors, etc. 

Essential oils are safe to use at home if you know a few basic cautions - see SAFETY. Their effects come partly from plant-derived chemical compounds - so misuse or overuse could be harmful, just as with other substances which affect the body. See OIL SALES if you want to purchase oils.

Born in 1953, I practised in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, from 1991, when I qualified as a Licentiate of the London School of Aromatherapy (LLSA). In June 2007 I moved to York. From the mid-1990's till 2010 I was a a member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (MIFPA). I no longer offer treatments and massage professionally.

I aim to supply good quality oils at reasonable prices. I buy from a range of suppliers to the professional aromatherapy trade, using different suppliers for different oils for the best combination of quality and price.

As I am also not registered for VAT, and work from home thus reducing overheads, I can sell more cheaply. I have a minimal (or even hostile!) approach to packaging and "image" - I re-use packaging, use basic labelling, avoid glossy brochures, etc. I hope to sell on price and quality of the oils, plus a straight and open attitude. 

I sell neat oils, my own blended massage oils and skin creams, a few base oils and creams, and a few new and secondhand CDs & tapes.

You can SHOP ONLINE  by credit card, or you can view a RETAIL PRICE LIST for mail order with payment by internet banking, cheque or postal order, or for local sales.

I also supply trade and wholesale - (local or mail order) - see TRADE page. 

I have taught introductory aromatherapy courses for the WEA (Workers' Educational Association) in Sheffield and Chesterfield.  These are usually 10 weeks. From 1992-1998 I taught courses for the former Sheffield University Division of Adult Continuing Education. I have also run WEA courses titled "Looking After Yourself; Holistic Health and Alternative Therapies" and  "Changing Ourselves, Changing Our World".

I am available as a guest speaker, to give talks or run workshops or courses of any length, and also for residentials, weekend courses and special interest, theme or activity holidays out of area. More information, including current courses if any running, is on the COURSES page. Please contact me if you want to go on my e-mail list for future courses.

I have led CPD (Continuing Professional Development) "essential oils refresher" sessions for Professional Aromatherapy Network in South Yorkshire. I would be glad to repeat these for other groups, e.g. other local IFPA or IFA  branches, or to look at other possible CPD topics.

I am finding it difficult to find course providers who can publicise aromatherapy courses properly and get them running - I would be very glad to work with any providers who can do this, either because they publicise widely, know how to use the internet for effective publicity, or because they know how to target publicity for alternative therapy courses to the right places.

Page updated 03.10.21

All content on this site COPYRIGHT Paul Boizot 2002-2018 unless otherwise stated, either on the visible webpage or in HTML.

My address from 30.04.12 is 14 Holly Bank Grove, York YO24 4EA, U.K.

contact me on: 01904 621510
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